Booked appointments

All appointments are the full time on the couch, full 30mins, full 60mins or full 90mins with complimentary consultation.
I will reserve the time for you and only you and will have other people scheduled after your time.
I will send you a text the day before reminding you of the date and time of your appointment. If you do not use texts, I can phone you.
I understand that occasional unanticipated events happen and people need to cancel. I will make every effort to be fair and understanding. 
I do have a waiting list of clients who need appointments ASAP. If I am given enough notice of a cancellation, I am able to help those people on the waiting list.
My policy is that I need 24-hour advance notice for a cancellation, otherwise I will need to charge the full amount.
Emergencies and illnesses do occur. If you have a fever, have been in hospital, have been vomiting or suffered from diarrhoea within 24 hours of your scheduled appointment, or your children are ill and need you at home, then please cancel and there will be no charge.
No shows
These can be very upsetting as the time has been set aside and the room prepared. People on the waiting list have been denied the opportunity to take the appointment. Again, I will try to be fair and understanding but will need to charge the full amount.
Arriving Late

Your appointment time has been arranged specifically for you and your treatment. Any late arrivals may result in the treatment being shortened. This is out of respect for clients scheduled after you will not have any impact on their treatments.
Always feel free to call and reschedule your appointment. 

I feel quite sad I have had to put a policy in place. As you will be aware it is only a very small number who even need this policy. But it is my duty to protect the rest of my clients to ensure they get the best uninterrupted treatment.