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What is Thai Yoga Massage?


Thai Yoga Massage is not like any other massage you have had before. The client remains fully clothed, no oil is used and the treatment is carried out on the floor.  You are put in yoga-like stretches to release tension in your muscles and free the flow of energy.  It can be very relaxing. The aim of the massage is not to work on the muscles, tendons and soft tissue but rather work with them and release the tension. Please note: you do not have to be good at yoga to have a Thai massage!


I trained initially with Kathryn Ellis at Central School of Massage in Leamington Spa. I then pursued further study in Thailand at the Sunshine School of Massage in Chiang Mai.




You will be asked to wear long jogging bottoms or leggings and long-sleeved t-shirt.  You will be asked to lie down on the floor on a futon mat.


I like to start the massage with you lying face up and I will start with your feet.  This will set the tone of the massage and encourage you to relax and release tension in your body.  Depending on what was discussed in your consultation I will take you through moves that will help your body. These will be yoga-like stretches and acupressure points following energy lines (SEN).  Nothing should be painful. You will be asked to breathe out to extend the yoga stretch. I end the massage with a shoulder, face and head massage to complete the treatment.


Treatments last 60 or 90 minutes. For your first session I recommend a 90-minute treatment. The time will go very quickly!


During the treatment it is best if you do not talk – so that you can more easily enter a meditative state – but if you feel happier talking during your treatment that's fine!



Who is  Thai Yoga Massage for?


  • Thai Yoga massage is good for everyone – young, old, fit, unfit, supple and not so supple.

  • If you are an older person, it can help you feel younger and more energised.

  • If you are not as flexible as you used to be it can relieve general stiffness and help with your flexibility.

  • If your joints are tight and stiff the Thai moves will benefit your range of movements and suppleness.

  • If you are in pain due to postural problems the Thai massage can restore balance between your major muscle groups helping with posture and alignment.

  • If your muscles are tight from sport, gardening, driving, sitting at a desk or just general overuse the Thai massage can relax and relieve tension in your muscles.

  • If you have chronic tension, back pain, headaches, knees, ankles, wrist, hips, shoulders and neck the Thai massage can promote the flow of energy to help all these areas.

  • If you are stressed and need to relax the Thai massage will help with that too.

  • Or if you just want a Thai massage because you already know of all the things it can help with and just need to check in with your Mind, Body and Spirit, Thai massage can do that too.


Enjoy the Dance, Enjoy the Energy...

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