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Swedish massage is the most widely and best-known type of massage.  If you have not had a massage before Swedish massage is the perfect place to start.

During the treatment I will use coconut oil to aid the smooth gliding strokes called effleurage.  Other classic strokes include, kneading, tapping, friction and stretching.  The treatment can be gentle or deeper if you prefer a firmer massage. I will ask you to keep your underwear on during the massage treatment and to lie underneath a towel or sheet.  Only parts of the body that are being massaged at the time will be uncovered. 


Benefits of Swedish Massage

  • promote relaxation

  • ease muscle tension

  • improve circulation

  • lymph drainage

  • helps you stay healthy by supporting your immune system

  • therapy for anxiety and depression

  • helps increase flexibility

  • enhances tissue elasticity and reduces pain

  • safe way to improve osteoarthritis conditions in the knees, hips and other areas of the body


Swedish massage benefits the body because of the specific techniques it involves. The movements and firm pressure involved in Swedish massage affect all systems in the body, including soft tissues such as muscles and ligaments, nerves and even glands. I will not be just giving you a great muscle rub when you come for a Swedish massage. I will apply pressure to your muscles in movements that are in tune with the natural flow of blood back to your heart.

Your body's lymph system is responsible for moving fluids that contain nutrients and wastes throughout your body. Lymph fluid is circulated during voluntary muscle movement. Swedish massage promotes healthy functioning of your lymph system by directly stimulating and relaxing your muscles. If you're suffering from muscular strain Swedish massage can help your body's lymph system flush metabolic wastes such as lactic acid and uric acid from your muscles. This shortens recovery time and helps you feel better faster.

Swedish massage is also used as a therapy for those suffering from osteoarthritis and other painful and debilitating joint conditions. Swedish massage helps increase flexibility, enhances tissue elasticity and reduces pain. Many individuals benefit from a greater range of joint motion and movement thanks to Swedish massage therapy. In almost all cases, Swedish massage is considered a safe way to improve osteoarthritis conditions in the knees, hips and other areas of the body

It's impossible to feel stressed during and after a Swedish massage. The pressure applied during the massage relaxes tight muscles and relieves tension. The stimulation to the skin is deeply relaxing and it is very common to feel a deeper sense of connectedness with your body during a Swedish massage.

You become more aware of the muscles of your body as they are massaged, and this helps clear the mind of anxiety and dissipate depression. I believe Swedish massage improves energy flow throughout the body, creating a sense of balance and harmony.

Swedish massage also promotes healthy sleep, which is one more way it helps the body heal itself. Whether insomnia or poor sleep is related to depression and anxiety or the onset of aging or illness Swedish massage can promote better sleep. This in turn can support the healthy function of the immune system, relieve anxiety and depression and support energy levels.


Swedish Massage Full body – 1 hour


This is a very relaxing treatment allowing you to deeply relax.  Your whole body gets the massage treatment, this is a real treat and a must if you have not experienced a massage before.


Swedish Massage Back, shoulder and neck – 30 mins


This allows the back, shoulder and neck to fully relax.  Feel free to state your preference for pressure during Swedish massage. It can range from light to firm. Swedish massage usually includes some deeper work on areas of specific muscle tension. 

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