Have you ever felt bloated?
Have you ever felt tired?
Do you just feel your tummy is not quite right?
Would you like to reboot your eating habits and reset your system?
That's exactly how I felt in September 2019 so I took on the 21-day Synergy Purify challenge. This involved changes to my diet and taking a carefully designed range of high-quality dietary supplements delivered as an easy-to-use 21-day kit. The challenge was good, and I was able to stick to it.
• My feeling of bloating has gone and my gut health is much happier
• I feel a lot calmer and more relaxed with normal daily life
• I feel more emotionally balanced and stronger and more warrior-like
• I feel like my eyesight was much better and I had more more clarity
• I love having more energy
• I'm half a stone lighter!
Purify by Synergy Worldwide is a probiotic system designed to help you achieve Elite Health. Elite Health is the pinnacle of wellness, where age does not dictate ability. Scientifically, Elite Health is optimal metabolic function, the state in which all body systems perform efficiently, which gives you the energy to see more, do more, and be more, no matter what stage of life you’re in. Elite Health is stepping into every new decade with new ambition. It is the freedom to live without limitation. This freedom can be realized through a healthy mind and body, and we know how to get you there.
For more information, or to try the 21-day challenge, please call, email or message me.